Yesterday was Ming’s birthday. We bought a chocolate cake from Costco. We bought $109 of pupusas. We bought some strawberries! We took all that and more out to Peace Camp and had a nice dinner with the Walkers.
But it was too much for me. I am beat. I’m taking it easy today. I’m not going out to the Walk. But there is a dinner tonight here that I can’t really avoid.
By not going out today I am missing the sunrise ceremony, the Stations of the Cross, the line crossing at the Test Site, and lunch. And the closing ceremony. Sounded like R on the phone this morning didn’t want me to miss all that. But we need a healthy Laura-Marie.
Tomorrow morning we have a 4am airport drop off. Someone’s listening to Norteno music next door really loud. I had a nice breakfast.
Nobody got sick, no calamities besides lots of blisters. It was a good Sacred Peace Walk. Next up: board meeting on Monday.