Dangerous Compassions

dreamy E

Last night we went to A’s house with food for his dinner, including a porkchop Ming picked up at the Catholic Worker hospitality day.  It was weird to give someone a porkchop.  And half a baked potato, a biscuit, 18 green beans…

He read to me.  He wanted to keep reading but I didn’t want to overstay.  The dogs nudged my hands and made me pet them.  The dogs climbed on me.  I was like, what do you want from me?  What is fun about shoving their faces up to my face?  Weird.  Those dogs want a lot of love.

So do I.  I can relate.  I should go back to bed–it’s the middle of the night.  I was up with a fitful dream about the letter E being replaced with a slightly different letter E and all this art about it.

By Laura-Marie

Good at listening to the noise until it makes sense.

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