Dangerous Compassions

the only solution is love and love comes with community

Someone knit me a sweater.  It’s wide enough but may be too short.  I’m deciding.

This morning we gave A a ride to work.  He is working Cowboy Christmas.  He’s the massage therapist.  He needed a ride because he had to bring his massage chair.  It was a pleasure to give him a ride.

Then we were late to our weekly peace vigil.  I hugged people.  I talked to people and held my sign.

Tonight’s a prayer thing.  Like usual, we’ll bring juice for the potluck afterward.

7-11 has these chocolate bars with bits of gingersnaps in them.  I find 7-11s sketch and avoid them, but this chocolate is great!  It reminds me of Wonka bars with the bits of graham crackers.

By Laura-Marie

Good at listening to the noise until it makes sense.

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