1. beach walk: shells, rocks, volleyball, boogie board thoughts 2. pier walk: pelicans, fish, blue crab, ruined viewin’ 3. AG farmers market: chips and tomatillo salsa, satsumas, bridge fear 4. collard greens from home, chocolate pudding, pretend ice cream 5. still behind on book but might catch up?
Month: November 2013
travel haps
1. a good peace vigil at Livermore Labs yesterday 2. then a good drive to our destination 3. stopped at a Denny’s in Morgan Hill where Ming had a Hobbit-themed meal 4. behind on pretend novel–oops! 5. sweet potato breakfast
all punks got
Today we’re going on a journey. Yippee! First we’ll stop at Livermore Labs to peace vigil. Then we’ll continue south. I should be doing the last minute packing. I have new zines out–functionally ill 17 and hat genius 4. I ordered bookbinding thread in the mail and am having it delivered to the place… Read More »
full day
1. met word goal 2. free breakfast 3. photocopies in Elk Grove 4. prepared mailing at church 5. tea with Swami That doesn’t sound like much, does it? But it was actually a lot.
oh and
The brownies solidified in the fridge! http://minimalistbaker.com/vegan-gluten-free-black-bean-brownies/
What a perfect early lunch for a cold fall day. I made it without the chipoltles and without the brussels sprouts (because the brussels sprouts were $6.69 a pound at the co-op). It’s a little too salty–too much miso?–but so good. Thanks to P for the use of her blender.
vegan mac and cheese
Last night I soaked cashews for making this vegan recipe. http://www.theppk.com/2013/06/chipotle-mac-cheese-with-roasted-brussel-sprouts/

Yesterday I got a packet from England. It contained two zines, and I read both just now. The Best Friend I Never Met took my breath away. I have had friendships so intense and full of poetry. I’ve had best friends like that too. I felt very sad about endings and blown away by the… Read More »
Miz Issue #1

This is a mental health zine about living with bad depression and anxiety. The first half is about struggling and shows a progression through time. Miz tries different medications and gives updates, talks about her relationship with her husband, talks about trying to help herself. The second half is more theoretical and talks about oppression. … Read More »
raw brownies
We decided to make brownies, and we made them in muffin tins. It was a gluten-free vegan recipe using black beans. “Such a thing is doomed,” you might be saying. But the food blogger said it was so good. And you couldn’t taste the beans. We have a blender we’d never used that our friend… Read More »